Work smarter, and harder…
Add value to your offers with clever up selling
I was once working on a balloon job where we had to make some balloon archers and table décor for quite a large function. While sweating and working hard to move around heavy balloon arch bases and helium bottles a passerby leaned in and whispered in my ear, “Work Smarter “my Lanie”, Not Harder”. He then continued on his way with a heavy box and trolley making his job quite simple.
This was quite a game changer, I had always thought the harder I work the more successful I would be. I then came to the conclusion that hard work is great, but smarter hard work is even better!
The above can be applied to upselling with Balloon Oomf, since you have already put in all the hard work to get the customer to your door to sell your product, why not add an upsell that will see your pocket smiling a little more and the customer wanting to come back because of the good value product and service offered.
The value of Balloon Oomf to your customer:
Increased floating time
Longer memories
Saves money for events that span over a longer time.